Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rants and Rambles

Looking out over the vast oceans of rants and rambles
I keep rolling my pants legs higher and higher

The bullshit just keeps getting deeper and deeper
One lie spawns another and another
Until I am standing in shit up to my neck

What are we to believe anymore
Who can we trust
What can we trust

One told one that told another
And they all told another
And so on and so on

We are products of our screwed up environment
Manifestations of mayhem
Concoctions of chaos
Completely unaware of our original reason for existence or destination

Like ants in a small box
We inch to and fro on a small speck of dust

Like fish in a tank we move back and forth
Never content with what we have
We need more and more and more
Gotta get all we can get before somebody else gets it

The way I look at it
You are born, you live, and you die
That’s it in a nutshell

You are born, you live, and you die
You don’t need to know where you came from
 You don’t even need to know where you are
And you damn sure don’t need to know where you are going

So shut up and smell the roses
Just enjoy the moment
Learn to just be for awhile

Climb off your high horse
Put your feet on the ground and sit a spell

Reach out and touch somebody
I mean really touch them
Dip down deep into your humanity
Don’t be so afraid to touch the core of your being

Take off your blinders
Take off your false face
The self you’ve created is not who you are anyway

The person you thought you knew
You don’t know at all

Stop trying so hard
You can’t prove it
You can’t sell it and you won’t overcome it
So just disregard it
Shuck it off one piece at a time
And you will find absolutely nothing to fret about

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